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[Orleans House] Vue de la Maison occupée par Son Altesse Sérénissime Monseigneur de Duc D'Orleans a Twickenham en 1815 et 1816.
L. Attbalin Del.t. J.C. Stadler Sculp.
Published Jan.y 1817, at R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, N.º 101, Strand, London.
Aquatint, printed in brown and blue hand finished, J. Whatman watermark. 450 x 770mm (17¾ x 30¼"). Trimmed to plate on left, repaired tears at edges.
A large & rare coloured aquatint showing view of the entourage of Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans (1773-1850, later King of the French), in a carriage and on horseback, crossing the Thames from his house in exile, Orleans House to the Ham bank. The main house shown here was demolished in 1926, but the baroque octagonal room designed by James Gibb remains as part of the Orleans House Gallery. In 'Images of Twickenham' Gascoigne states that Ackermann's 1830 catalogue attributed the print to 'Athalin', the name of one of Louis Philippe's ADCs. Gascoigne: Images of Twickenham 114.
[Ref: 62282] £650.00
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