[Views in the Isle of Wight, illustrating the tracts of the Rev. Legh Richmond.] Brading Church, I. of Wight. vide the 'Young Cottager'. Dedicated by Permission to the Rev'd Legh Richmond A.M. of Trin. Cottage & Rectory of Turvey Bedforshire, - by his obliged humble Servants, Ed. Armstrong & W. Varley. [&] Arreton Church, I. of Wight. vide 'The Dairyman's Daughter'... [&] Culver Cliff, I. of Wight. vide 'The Negro Servant'... [&] Little Jane's Cottage, Brading, I. of Wight. vide the 'Young Cottager'... [&] The Dairyman's Cottage, Arreton, I. of Wight. vide 'The Dairyman's Daughter'...
From Nature by E.Armstrong & W.Varley; on stone by G.Harley. Printed by Rowney & Forster. [Armstrong & Varley, n.d., c.1825.] Oblong 4to, set of five lithographs, stitched as issued, lacking printed wrappers. Each 210 x 290mm, 8¼ x 11½". Top right corners of last two plates torn. A scarce work, based on the popular novels of Legh Richmond (1772-1827), Vicar of Brading and noted Evangelist. Not in Abbey.
[Ref: 22925] £420.00
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