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[Statue of 'Capitoline Gaul'] Statua del Gladiatir moribondo, che si conserva nel Museo Capitolino [...]
Pietro Angeletti disegno. Andrea Rossi sculps.
[n.d., c.1780]
Engraving, platemark 370 x 500mm (14½ x 19¾").
Engraving of a wounded Gaul, after the famous sculpture in the Capitoline Museum, Rome. The statue was acquired for the museum in 1734 from the Ludovisi Sculpture Collection.
[Ref: 35217] £320.00
[Angela Merici.] D.N. Pio VI Pont Max. Effigiem Angelae Mericiae Matris dedicat Sodalitas Ursulinarum quod oraculo eius honores caelitum Sactorum tantae Magistrae decreti sunt.
Petrus Angetti inv et del. Carolus Antoni sculp.
[n.d., c.1780.]
Engraving., on verso ink Maria Teresa Gasvarni; 505 x 325mm (20 x 12¾"), with large margins. Slight foxing. Uncut.
An allegory of the canonisation of Angela Merici (1474-1540), founder of the Company of St. Ursula in 1535 for the education of poor girls. From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
[Ref: 54967] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
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