Bittern Shooting.
H. Alken del.t I. Clark sculp.t
London, Published by T, Mc.Lean, Jany. 1. 1820.
Hand-coloured aquatint, Arthur Ackermann framed. Visible sheet area 197 x 254mm. 7¾ x 10". Frame 394 x 439mm. 15½ x 17¼".
Two gentlemen in long reeds at left, one shooting a bittern in the sky at right, one dog barking at the shot bird, preparing to retrieve it, and the other running away; windmills seen in the far background and a flock of swans flying overhead. Plate 33 from 'National Sports of Great Britain'. Siltzer: p.70.
[Ref: 25712] £320.00
Bittern Shooting.
H. Alken del.t. J. Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T. McLean, Jan.y 1. 1820.
Fine hand-coloured aquatint. Plate: 220 x 275mm (8½ x 10¾"), with very large margins. Slight offsetting.
A scene in marshland in which a man flushes out a bittern while another takes aim at the flying bird. From 'The National Sports of Great Britain' by Henry Alken.
[Ref: 46243] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
Sparring at the Fives Court.
Drawn & Etched by H.Alken Esq.r.
[London, Published as the Act directs, by Jones & C.º May 1st 1821.]
Hand coloured etching. 175 x 110mm (7 x 4¼"). Trimmed around the title.
Gentlemen stand watching two men boxing in a raised ring at the Fives Court in St Martins Street, London. After an illustration by Henry Alken from 'Real Life in London, or, the Further Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq. and His Cousin The Hon. Tom Dashall, through the Metropolis'.
[Ref: 63187] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
A Prize Fight.
H. Alken del.t. I. Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T. McLean, Jan.y 1. 1820.
Fine hand-coloured aquatint. Plate: 280 x 380mm (11 x 15"), with very large margins. Stain on left margin
A sporting scene showing two men in a boxing match watched by a large crowd. From 'The National Sports of Great Britain' by Henry Alken.
[Ref: 46245] £340.00
Sparring at the Fives Court.
Drawn & Etched by H. Alken Esq.r.
London, Publlished as the Act directs, by Jones & C.º May 1st 1821.]
Hand coloured etching. 125 x 205mm (5 x 8"). Trimmed within plate, colour faded.
Gentlemen stand watching two men boxing in a raised ring at the Fives Court in St Martins Street, London. After an illustration by Henry Alken from 'Real Life in London, or, the Further Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq. and His Cousin The Hon. Tom Dashall, through the Metropolis'.
[Ref: 63954] £110.00
(£132.00 incl.VAT)
British Fire Engines. First Alarm. A struggle for the Start. [/] Near Approach. Take care, take care, we ar very near it now. [/] The Fire. See that no Lives are lost. [/] The Ruins. The Fire is out & now for Home.
H. Alken Del.t. B. Hughes. Sculp.t.
Lewis & Co. 79, Leadenhall St. London. [n.d., c.1860].
Very rare aquatint. Overall sheet size: 300 x 370mm (11¾ x 14½"). False margin at bottom edge. Creases. Repaired tear to top edge.
Four scenes on one sheet illustrating the stages of a fire; from the first alarm, in the top left, with a horse drawn fire engine from the 'Sun Fire Office 1820' racing along a street watched by onlookers; to the approach to the fire in the top right, where a fire engine inscribed 'Atlas Office' halts as it reaches the scene; then in the bottom left is the fire itself, as two fire engines, one named 'Westminster', pump water into a burning building, smoke billowing from the windows, with the sign above the door to the right reading, 'Fire Proof Linnen'; finally in the bottom right is a view of the ruins of the building, with the firefighters packing up two engines inscribed 'London', and 'County Fire Office 1800'. A very rare print after English painter and engraver Henry Alken (1785 - 1851), chiefly known as a caricaturist and illustrator of sporting subjects and coaching scenes.
[Ref: 33565] £650.00
Alken del.t. I.Clark sculp.t.
[London: Thomas McLean, c.1820.]
Coloured aquatint. 195 x 250mm (11½ x 13¾"), watermarked 'J Whatman 1822', with wide margins.
Portrait of a bull terrier.
[Ref: 61523] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
The Guard of 1832.
Painted by H. Alken. Engraved by J. Harris.
Published May 26th. 1852, by Messrs Fores, 41, Piccadilly, London.
Hand-coloured aquatint with gum arabic, image 325 x 250mm. 12¾ x 9¾".
A guard loading a London-Birmingham coach; a boy leading the team of horses from the coach house in the background. Originally published on the same sheet as 'The Guard of 1852' (a guard standing in front of a steam locomotive), as part of a series of three double-plate prints titled 'Fores' Contrasts'. The images were often separated for framing purposes. Siltzer p.65.
[Ref: 25796] £225.00
(£270.00 incl.VAT)
The Coachman.
H. Alken del. G. Hunt sc.
[London, Published by Thomas McLean, Haymarket, 1822.]
Fine coloured aquatint. Sheet 180 x 130mm (7 x 5"). Trimmed within plate and around title, losing publisher's address, laid on album paper.
A coachman, wearing a 'garrick' greatcoat, is offered a tray of drinks by a maidservant. Behind a groom attends to the horses and two well-wrapped passengers look down from the coach. Hickman p259.
[Ref: 56630] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Cock Fighting. [pair.]
H. Alken del.t. J. Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T. McLean, Jan.y 1. 1820.
Pair of aquatints with fine hand colour. Each 280 x 375mm (11 x 14¾"), with large margins. Faint text offset.
An indoor cock fight, with the kill. From 'The National Sports of Great Britain' by Henry Alken.
[Ref: 46273] £360.00
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Country Evenings. The returne from the Tythe Feast. There are only Three in the Village that are worth a __. / ''We'll n'er go home till morning. / Till day light doth appear.''
H.y Alken Del't. R.G. Reeve Sculp.t.
Published by Tho's McLean, 26 Haymarket, 1929.
Aquatint with fine hand colour. Sheet 280 x 190mm (11 x 7½"). Trimmed within plate.
Three drunken revellers walking through a wood by lamplight,
[Ref: 42011] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Coursing. [pair.]
H. Alken del.t. J. Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T. McLean, Jan.y 1. 1820.
Pair of aquatints with fine hand colour. Each 280 x 375mm (11 x 14¾"), watermarked Whatman 1819 & 1820 with large margins. Faint text offset.
Hunting hare with greyhounds: the chase and the kill. From 'The National Sports of Great Britain' by Henry Alken.
[Ref: 46272] £420.00
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Courtship. By this hand I swear that your property I can easily dispense - But your person...oh, oh. there I feel it Oh. Oh.'
H. Alken del.t. W. Day lithog. 17 Gate Str.t.
[London, Pub.d by S. & J. Fuller, Temple of Fancy, 34 Rathbone Place, 1828.]
Coloured lithograph. Sheet 165 x 190mm (6½ x 7½"). Trimmed, losing publication line.
A handsome beau on one knee before a large woman dressed like a wedding cake.
[Ref: 41797] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
David Crockett's Fight for Bear-Meat. Sporting Anecdotes. The Hardest Fend Off!! [...]
Drawn & Engraved by H. Alken.
Published March 1st 1839 by R. Ackermann at his Eclipse, Sporting Gallery, 191, Regent St.
Aquatint printed in colour with gum arabic, platemark 280 x 380mm (11 x 15"), on Whatman paper watermarked 1837. Crease through centre.
Davy Crockett (1786-1836), American frontiersman, soldier, and politician, encountering a bear. He approaches the bear, which has one of Crockett's dogs in its clutches. Already a media star in his lifetime, this print was published three years after he was killed at the Alamo. Print made by Henry Alken (1785-1851), painter and engraver who specialised in hunting, coaching, racing and animal subjects. His work was highly sought-after in sporting circles, particularly amongst the huntsmen who gathered at Melton Mowbray.
[Ref: 39541] £450.00
Earth Stopper.
Hy. Alken, Delt.
London, Published by Thos. McLean, 26, Haymarket, 1823.
Hand coloured soft-ground etching, 265 x 210mm. 10½ x 8¼".
Man on horseback pushing open a gate, lantern hanging from his belt, two fox terriers preceeding him. After Henry Thomas Alken (1785 - 1851), from a series of six sporting characters. Siltzer: pg. 60.
[Ref: 18043] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
The Art and Practice of Etching; with Directions for Other Methods of Light and Entertaining Engraving.
By Henry Alken.
London: S. & J. Fuller, 34 & 35, Rathbone Place, Oxford Street. 1849.
8vo. Gilt title on canvas cover, stamped design on covers both sides.
A manual of the art and practice of etching; covering terminology such as: turpentine varnish, biting-in, smoking taper and many other processes and terms. Split into four parts for etching, engraving in soft ground, aqua-tinta etching, and resin-ground etching; images at the back. Collection: Christopher Dobson.
[Ref: 21980] £120.00
[Fashion and Folly: or the Buck's Pilgrimage.] Dashall and Lubin, at a masquerade [...]
[Henry Alken.]
[London: William Sams, 1822.]
Coloured etching with letterpress verse underneath, J. Whatman, Turkey Mill watermark. Sheet 120 x 220mm (4¾ x 8¾"). Trimmed.
A fancy-dress party, including a devil and a skeleton. A scene from 'Fashion and Folly. Or the Buck's Pilgrimage', Lubin, a nabob with a country estate, travels with his friend Dashall to London, where they experience both high and low life with no regard for expense, ending up in debtor's prison. Abbey 487.
[Ref: 61305] £90.00
(£108.00 incl.VAT)
Fishing in a Punt.
H. Alken del.t. I. Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T. McLean, Jan.y 1. 1820.
Aquatint with fine hand-colour. Plate: 280 x 375mm (11 x 14¾"), with large margins. Very slight foxing in title area on right, slight offsetting.
The great classic fishing scene showing three men fishing in a punt with rods and nets. From 'The National Sports of Great Britain' by Henry Alken.
[Ref: 46283] £350.00
Fishing in a Punt.
H. Alken del.t I. Clark sculp.t
London, Published by T, Mc.Lean, Jany. 1. 1820.
Hand-coloured aquatint, Arthur Ackermann framed. Visible sheet area 229 x 305mm. 9 x 12". Frame 424 x 502mm. 16¾ x 19¾".
Three men in a punt fishing, their boat tied off to posts sticking out of the water. All three holding rods with a net poised over the bow; a large house in the distance. Plate 36 from 'National Sports of Great Britain'. Siltzer: p.70; Wilder pp.174-5.
[Ref: 25718] £520.00
Flacker Shooting.
H. Alken del.t. I. Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T. McLean Jan.y 1. 1820.
Fine hand-coloured aquatint. Plate: 255 x 340mm (10 x 13½"), with very large margins.
A sporting scene showing two figures with rifles raised and aimed at a flight of ducks while two spaniels jump into the water. From 'The National Sports of Great Britain' by Henry Alken. Siltzer p.70.
[Ref: 46235] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Flacker Shooting.
H. Alken del.t I. Clark sculp.t
London, Published by T, Mc.Lean, Jany. 1. 1820.
Hand-coloured aquatint, Arthur Ackermann framed. Visible sheet area 234 x 324mm. 9¾ x 12¾". Frame 419 x 520mm. 16½ x 20½". Slight offsetting.
Two gentlemen with rifles stood at the edge of a lake attempting to shoot at ducks swimming away; their two dogs leap into the water in hot pursuit. Plate 32 from 'National Sports of Great Britain'. Siltzer: p.70.
[Ref: 25716] £420.00
Fores's Contrasts. Pl. 2: The Guard of 1852; The Guard of 1832.
Painted by H. Alken. Engraved by J. Harris.
Published May 26th 1852 by Fores, 41, Piccadilly, London.
A large aquatint on steel. 410 x 600mm (16 x 23½)". Some staining, laid on card.
A pair of scenes illustrating the impact of the advent of the railways. Henry Alken had died in 1851, the year before publication.
[Ref: 48278] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
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Fores's Contrasts. Pl 1: The Driver of 1832; The Driver of 1852. [&] Pl. 2: The Guard of 1852; The Guard of 1832. [&] Pl. 3. The Driver of the Mail 1832; The Driver of the Mail 1852. [&] St Giles'; St George's.
Painted by H. Alken. Engraved by J. Harris [3]. [&] Painted by Karl Hartsmann. Engraved by J. Harris.
Published May 26th [& May 26th, Nov. 18th] 1852 [& Jan.y 3rd] 1854] by Fores, 41, Piccadilly, London.
Set of four large aquatints on steel. Each 410 x 600mm (16 x 23½)", with wide margins. Plate 1 with a small tear entering title area.
Eight pairs of 'Contrasts' on four sheets. Three analyse the impact of the advent of the railways; the last, published over a year after the others, compares the informality of the driver of a hackney cab to the pristine livery of a private coach. Henry Alken, the artists of the first three, had died in 1851, so Karl Hartsmann was called in to finish the fourth.
[Ref: 43859] £1,850.00
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Fox Hunting.
H. Alken del.t. I. Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T. McLean, Jan.y 1. 1820.
Aquatint with fine hand-colour. Plate: 280 x 375mm (11 x 14¾"), with large margins. Very slight offsetting.
A fox hunting scene showing the members of a fox hunt jumping over fences and galoping across open fields. From 'The National Sports of Great Britain' by Henry Alken.
[Ref: 46280] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
Grouse Shooting.
H. Alken del.t. I. Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T. McLean, Jan.y 1. 1820.
Fine hand-coloured aquatint. Plate: 220 x 275mm (8¾ x 10¾"), with very large margins.
A scene on the Scottish moors in which two men and their dogs try to flush out grouse, a ghillie on horseback follows them. From 'The National Sports of Great Britain' by Henry Alken.
[Ref: 46242] £290.00
(£348.00 incl.VAT)
Pointer & Setter by Henry Alken.
London Published by Thos. M.cLean, 26 Haymarket 1824.
Fine hand-coloured etching. Plate: 135 x 210mm (5½ x 8¼"), with large margins.
[Ref: 47768] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
[Gun Dogs.]
H. Alken del.t. et sculp.t.
London, Published by Thos. M.cLean, Hay Market, 1820.
Fine hand-coloured etching; J. Whatman 1821 watermark. Plate: 200 x 250mm (8 x 9¾"), with large margins.
[Ref: 47767] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
H. Alken del.t I. Clark sculp.t
London, Published by T. Mc.Lean, Jany. 1. 1820.
Coloured aquatint. Plate 222 x 275mm. 8¾ x 10¾".
A gentleman riding on his horse, closely followed by his dog.
[Ref: 18421] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
H. Alken del.t I. Clark sculp.t
London, Published by T, Mc.Lean, Jany. 1. 1820.
Hand-coloured aquatint, Arthur Ackermann framed. Visible sheet area 235 x 330mm. 9¼ x 13". Frame 407 x 495mm. 16 x 19½".
Riders on horseback, including a lady, hawking, accompanied by dogs and hawkers on foot sending hawks into the sky to kill other birds, where other men on foot run collecting the fallen birds. Plate 1 from 'National Sports of Great Britain'. Siltzer: p.70.
[Ref: 25714] £320.00
The High Mettled Racer. The Foal./ In Training./ The Racer./ The Hunter./ The Post Horse./ The Death.
H. Alken Del. H. Alken & T. Sutherland Sculpt.
London, Published March 1. 1821, by S&J Fuller at their Sporting Gallery, 34, Rathbone Place.
Set of six coloured aquatints, each 355 x 430mm (13¾ x 17"), on Whatman paper watermarked 1820. Plate II slightly stained.
A fine first state set of this famous sporting series, depicting the life story of a race horse. Siltzer: pg.59.
[Ref: 8800] £1,950.00
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The High Mettled Racer. The Foal./ In Training./ The Racer./ The Hunter./ The Post Horse./ The Death.
H. Alken Del. H. Alken & T. Sutherland Sculpt.
London, Published March 1. 1821, by S. & J. Fuller at their Sporting Gallery, 34, Rathbone Place.
Set of six coloured aquatints, each 355 x 430mm. 13¾ x 17".
A fine set of this famous sporting series, depicting the life story of a race horse, on Whatman paper watermarked 1864. Matching colour. Siltzer: pg.59.
[Ref: 8526] £1,200.00
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[Horses in a Wood.]
[H. Alken]
[n.d., c.1840.]
Lithograph. Sheet: 210 x 130mm (8¼ x 5"). Trimmed.
A scene showing horses in a wood.
[Ref: 44724] £30.00
(£36.00 incl.VAT)
The Hunter.
H. Alken del.t. J. Clark sculp.t.
[London: T. McLean, 1820.
Aquatint with fine hand colour. 280 x 375mm (11 x 14¾"), with large margins. Faint text offset.
A grey hunter, with its owner standing by a gate. From 'The National Sports of Great Britain' by Henry Alken.
[Ref: 46270] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
[Ivanhoe] H. Alken's Scraps for Transfering. Plate 3. The Black Knight and Wamba. The Clerk of Copmanhurst & the Black Knight. Ivanhoe. Reginald Front de Boeuf.
Pub.d Feb.y 1832 by R. Ackermann, Jun.r Eclipse Sporting Gall.y 191, Regent St. & may be had also of R. Ackermann, 96 Strand. the greatest variety of Prints for Transfering on White Wood, Table Tops, Screens, Card Racks, &c. &c.
Rare aquatint with fine hand colour. 255 x 385mm (10 x 15¼") very large margins. Slight soiling of paper.
A rare sheet with four scenes from Sir Walter Scott's 'Ivanhoe', designed to be transferred onto other surfaces.
[Ref: 58447] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Jack's Wedding Day.
H.y Alken Del.t.
London, Published by Tho.s McLean, 26 Haymarket, 1826.
Fine hand-coloured etching. Plate: 200 x 250mm (8 x 9¾''), with large margins.
A scene by a quay in which a party is taking place in a tavern, in the foreground Jack and his friends have a conversation with the Deputy Port Admiral.
[Ref: 50969] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Just Arrived.
Drawn by H. Alken.
[n.d., c.1850.]
Coloured aquatint. Sheet 255 x 330mm (10 x 13").
A stage coach fails to stop at the bottom of a hill, crashing into an inn's sign and water trough.
[Ref: 42440] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Leicestershire. The Meeting. [&] Getting Away. [&] Full Cry. [&] The Death.
Henry Alken del.t. T. Fielding sculp.t.
London. Published Jan.y 7th 1827, by J. Watson, 7, Vere Street.
Set of four aquatints in fine colour. Each 390 x 555mm (15¾" x 21¾"), on Whatman Turkey Mill paper with wide margins. Minor abrasions on 'Meeting'.
A fine classic set of English fox hunting prints. Siltzer: p.61.
[Ref: 38820] £1,500.00
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The Mail Coach.
Etched by H.y Alken. Aquatinted by G. Hunt.
London, Published by Tho.s McLean; Repository of Wit & Humour, 26, Haymarket 1823.
Coloured aquatint. 320 x 390mm (12½ x 15¼"). Framed. Occasional marks to sky area. Pin hole lower left corner of image.
Siltzer: p.59; Hickman: p. 316
[Ref: 57] £1,250.00
[Military Discoveries.] On recovering from a swoon, you Discover it was occasioned by your horse being shot under you, and in the fall broke your leg; on looking round you see both friend and enemy leaving you in the lurch , that your only company are a pack of low bred things, who have actually had the honour to be killed by sword or bullet, while you have happened of nothing more than a common place accident.
[by Henry Thomas Alken.]
London, Published Mar 24, 1819 by S. & J. Fuller, Temple of Fancy, 34, Rathbone Place.
Rare coloured aquatint, J. Whatman 1818 watermark; 23 x 300 (9 x 11¾") very large margins. Slight soiling, crack in bottom plate mark.
A cavalryman wakes to find the battle has moved on. From 'Military Discoveries or, The Miseries of campaigning in a series of seven plates being Hints to Young Officers' by Ben Tally-Ho, a pseudonym of Henry Thomas Alken (1785-1851), second son of Sanuel Alken. Rare: not in Abbey.
[Ref: 55783] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
[Military Discoveries.] Being awoke by a violent noise, and rushing from your quarters, you Discover your Colonel who commands you, immediately to resist a serious and unexpected attack made on the Camp by the Enemy, without waiting for any additonal Clothes
[by Henry Thomas Alken.]
London, Published Mar 24, 1819 by S. & J. Fuller, Temple of Fancy, 34, Rathbone Place.
Rare coloured aquatint. 23 x 300 (9 x 11¾") very large margins.
Men pulling on their clothes as their colonel swings his sabre, wearing only shirt, jacket and cap. From 'Military Discoveries or, The Miseries of campaigning in a series of seven plates being Hints to Young Officers' by Ben Tally-Ho, a pseudonym of Henry Thomas Alken (1785-1851), second son of Samuel Alken. Rare: not in Abbey.
[Ref: 55784] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Moments of Fancy. Past Consideration. Present Consideration. Future Consideration. Breaking up. Breaking Open. Breaking in. Breaking Out.
H.y Alken, Del.t.
London, Published by Tho.s McLean, Repository of Wit & Humour, 26 Haymarket, 1822.
Coloured etching. 250 x 350mm (6 x 9¾").
Seven humourous scenes. Past & Present considerations: a dashing officer pays court to an ugly woman with a negro servant, ignoring a woman with his child. Future consideration: an old man pays a gravedigger. Breaking up: a ground of drunken revellers take leave of a landlord. Breaking open: two thieves break into a watch maker's shop. Breaking in: a jockey holds on for dear life. Breaking out: a man examines his spotted face in a mirror.
[Ref: 34061] £80.00
(£96.00 incl.VAT)
H. Alken del.t. I. Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T. McLean, Jan.y 1. 1820.
Fine hand-coloured aquatint. Plate: 220 x 280mm (8¾ x 11"), with very large margins.
A sporting scene showing two men using an owl on a string to catch birds. From 'The National Sports of Great Britain' by Henry Alken.
[Ref: 46246] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Partridge Shooting.
H. Alken del.t. I. Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T. McLean, Jan.y 1. 1820.
Fine hand-coloured aquatint. Plate: 220 x 275mm (8¾ x 10¾"), with very large margins.
A sporting scene in which two men shoot at partridge in a field. From 'The National Sports of Great Britain' by Henry Alken.
[Ref: 46239] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Pigeon Match.
H. Alken del.t I. Clark sculp.t
London, Published by T, Mc.Lean, Jany. 1. 1820.
Hand-coloured aquatint, Arthur Ackermann framed. Visible sheet area 229 x 330mm. 9 x 13". Frame 419 x 520mm. 16½ x 20½".
Gentlemen pigeon shooting. A man seated with dead pigeons holds a string attached to a box to the far right from which pigeons fly out of; a man holding a rifle poised shoots at the flying birds. Other men to the right stand ready to collect the fallen pigeons; three further men by the shooter. Plate 34 from 'National Sports of Great Britain'. Siltzer: p.70.
[Ref: 25711] £350.00
Pigeon Match.
H. Alken del.t. I. Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T. McLean, Jan.y 1. 1820.
Fine hand-coloured aquatint. Plate: 270 x 370mm (10¾ x 14½"), with very large margins. Slight offsetting.
A sporting scene showing several men taking part in a pigeon match in which pigeons are released from traps at set distances. From 'The National Sports of Great Britain' by Henry Alken.
[Ref: 46244] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
Pike Fishing.
H. Alken del.t. I. Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T. McLean, Jan.y 1. 1820.
Aquatint with fine hand-colour. Plate: 280 x 375mm (11 x 14¾"), with large margins.
A fishing scene showing one man lying on his stomach fishing from the side of the river while a man with a long rod fishes from behind him. From 'The National Sports of Great Britain' by Henry Alken.
[Ref: 46284] £320.00
Pike Fishing.
H. Alken del.t I. Clark sculp.t
London, Published by T, Mc.Lean, Jany. 1. 1820.
Hand-coloured aquatint, Arthur Ackermann framed. Visible sheet area 254 x 349mm. 10 x 13¾". Frame 445 x 532mm. 17½ x 21".
Two gentlemen fishing on the river bank next to a tree, one standing holding a rod, with the other lying on his front holding a net poised to catch a pike. Plate 35 from 'National Sports of Great Britain'. Siltzer: p.70.
[Ref: 25717] £450.00
H. Alken del.t. I.Clark sculp.t.
London, Published by T.McLean, Jan.y. 1.1820.
Coloured aquatint. 280 x 376mm (11 x 14¾"). Trimmed; marking around image.
Four pointers in a field with a river and hills behind.
[Ref: 61] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
A Prize Fight.
H. Alken delt. I. Clark sculpt.
London, Published by T. McLean, Jany, 1, 1820.
Etching with coloured aquatint. 375 x 275mm. Faint trace of old mount window inside plate mark.
First edition.
[Ref: 62] £380.00
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A Prize Fight.
H. Alken del.t I. Clark sculp.t
London, Published by T, Mc.Lean, Jany. 1. 1820.
Hand-coloured aquatint, Arthur Ackermann framed. Visible sheet area 229 x 324mm. 9 x 12¾". Slight offsetting. In mount.
Two men poised to fight with two men behind each fighter; spectators behind a bar. Plate 38 from 'National Sports of Great Britain'. Siltzer: p.70.
[Ref: 25715] £480.00