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John Duke Of Argyle And Greenwich.
John Duke Of Argyle And Greenwich. In the collection of Sr. Anthony Wescomb Bart.
Aikman Pinxit. J. Houbraken Sculp. Amst. 1735.
[Thomas Birch]
Fine engraving, print 360 x 220mm (14 x 9"). Trimmed and glued to album sheet. Tear in left edge.
Bust portrait of army officer and politician John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll (1678-1743), in an architectural oval; below armour and a cartouche with coat of arms, with objects surrounding; swords, fabric, cannon balls, pikes/spears and a helmet. He wears armour with as sash going across and a long wig. From the series Birch's heads. In the mid-eighteenth century, the British historian Thomas Birch (1705 - 1766) published a series of short biographies of famous figures from his nation’s past. Accompanying each of the 108 biographies was an engraved portrait of the subject, whose likeness was presented within an elaborate decorative setting. These ornamental frames were designed by Hubert-François Bourguignon (1699 - 1773)—commonly known as Gravelot—a Parisian artist then working in London. After finishing the drawing, Gravelot sent sheets to Amsterdam. There, the Dutch printmaker Jacob Houbraken (1698 - 1780) created the final image by combining Gravelot’s design with portraits. Campbell was instrumental in the union of Scotland with England; 1708-10, general under Marlborough in War of Spanish Succession; led the army supporting the Hanoverian cause in Scotland against the 1715 Jacobite Rebellion; supported Walpole until the aftermath of the Porteousriots when he voted against the reprisals on Edinburgh; 1741, led the successful opposition to Walpole in Scottish elections, but resigned all offices himself in 1742. Succeeded by his brother as 3rd Duke of Argyll
O' Donoghue 2.
[Ref: 58868]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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The Right Hon.ble Charles Lord Cathcart.
The Right Hon.ble Charles Lord Cathcart. One of ye Sixteen Peers for Scotland, Major Gen.l of his Maj.s Forces. Colonel of ye 1st Regiment of Carabineers Governour of ye Royal Fort of Duncannon, Gen.r & Commander in cheif in ye Expedition to ye West Indies.
W.Aikman pinx. V.Werdlen fecit.
[n.d., c.1740.]
Very scarce mezzotint. 350 x 250mm (13¾ x 10"), with large margins. Some creasing and time-staining. Small repaired tear on lower right margin. Very small hole in centre.
Portrait of Charles Cathcart, 8th Lord Cathcart (1686 - 1740), British Army officer and peer. He served under the Earl of Stair and played an important part in the victory over rebels at Sheriffmuir. Governor of Duncannon. He was appointed Commander in Chief of British forces sent against the Spanish in America, but died at sea.
CS 2. O'Donoghue 361/1. Ex: Collection of The Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 65177]   £320.00  
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William Kent.
William Kent.
[A. Bannerman sculp.]
[n.d., 1762.]
Engraving. Sheet 185 x 135mm (7¼ x 5¼"). Trimmed to image, laid on album paper.
William Kent (1685-1748), painter, architect and landscape architect who had a hand in the landscaping and interior design for Chiswick House, Hampton Court Palace and Devonshire House, thus having a lasting impact on the history of interior design and estate layout.
[Ref: 57960]   £50.00   (£60.00 incl.VAT)
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William Kent.
William Kent.
[Engraved by J.W. Cook after William Aikman.]
[London: 1826-28.]
Engraving on chine collé. Sheet 205 x 125mm (8 x 5"). Trimmed within plate, mounted in album paper at edges.
Half length portrait of William Kent (1685-1748), painter, architect and landscape architect who had a hand in the landscaping and interior design for Chiswick House, Hampton Court Palace and Devonshire House, thus having a lasting impact on the history of interior design and estate layout. From vol IV of Walpole's 'Anecdotes of Painting in England'.
[Ref: 59428]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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